
Clean Before I Come Over

You opened the door so I stepped inside
Your invite was warm and I settled in kind

You showed me around, opened drawers and cupboards
But I saw something large looming heavily above us

Oh, what is that? I asked, my eyes curious and wide
I don’t know what you’re seeing, you said, and tried to hide

There! Right there! I exclaimed. Can you really not see it?
We should open it! I said, excited and unconceited

How dare you! You shouted and stomped, hurled glass at my face
You opened the door and demanded I go away from your space

I left it. Confused, I shook my head and stood alone
What did I do wrong? I only saw what was not shown

Too late and too little, I realized you always saw
But you feared to admit it and that left you raw

Vulnerable and unarmed against my innocent tongue
That can not help but speak truths waiting to be wrung

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